P.O. Box 890 Cary, NC 27513,USA

Multi Process Control

Multi Process Control

The equipment should be able to demonstrate the followings:

Proportional, Integral and Derivative control

Cascade control

Determining the dead time

Response and characteristics of the process

Tuning techniques of controllers

Specifications/Provisions (or equivalent)

The unit must be equipped with (or corresponding part):

Framework: Stainless steel or anodized aluminum with enough thickness to withstand the load of equipment and/or different components of equipment

Tank with capacity of 10 l, including heating element, digital thermostat and variablespeed stirrer

Column with capacity of 5 litres

Centrifugal pump

Flow rate = 2000 l/h

Head = 10 m

Air-cooled heat exchanger, including motor, cooling fan and tachometer generator

Electronic flow-rate transmitter including calibrated diaphragm with range of 0 to 300 l/h and 4 to 20 mA output signal

Electronic differential-pressure transmitter with 4 to 20 mA output signal and range of 0 to 250 mm H2O

Pneumatic control valves

Electro-pneumatic converters, 4 to 20 mA / 0.2 to 1 bar

Piping and valves

Safety control

PID controllers

Automated unit along with software for computerized control of the equipment


UPS with enough backup for shutting down the unit/equipment in case of power failure

List of spares (for 1 year)

The unit must be supplied with all mandatory accessories for smooth operation, gases along with cylinders, installation & after-sale maintenance services, calibration kits (if any) and practices manuals.